Happy news!

Happy news!

We have some amazingly HAPPY news!

Yesterday we received a grant from the Children´s Wellfare fund here in Iceland that funds wonderful & diverse projects that all aim for the same thing: The well-being and prosperity of children.
The grant will be used to donate 75 dolls to support the wellbeing and comfort of children in need. The little Lulla dolls have a huge role to fulfill. They will be sent to the Children´s hospital in Reykjavík as well as to two organizations for children who are battling long term illnesses.


Learn more about the fund and the great work they are doing

Happy news!

Eyrun accepting the grant and presenting the Lulla doll

We are so immensely grateful and happy that the Lulla dolls will soon be in the arms of children who need comfort the most.

Happy news!

And all of the supporters to our crowdfunding campaign are helping to make this happen!

Without you none of this would be happening. Now we have 4 days to go and we are almost there. Thank you for all your support with contributions, sharing or just kind words.

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