The Sleepless Nights Were Destroying Me
(How 1 Small Change Saved Our Family Before It Was Too Late)

By Catherine Wilkons
October 16th, 2023

Anyone who says your baby will eventually get to sleep on their own is a liar - at least in my book.
The night-waking "Cycle Of Doom" is real and haunts most mothers every night.
The cycle begins by waking to the sounds of piercing screams...
Not knowing if they will go on for the next thirty minutes or three hours...
You desperately do what you can to get them to sleep...
And when you finally get the chance to doze off again...
You're woken back up by the screams of torture...
Beginning the cycle all over again.
These sleepless nights turn into sleepless weeks, which turn into sleepless months.
And you know what they say about sleep deprivation?…
It messes up your body and mind so badly that it has actually led to death in chronic cases.
Okay, so that does sound a little bit dramatic…
But sleepless nights mixed with postpartum blues...
Is like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode...
If you feel like you're beginning to crack under the pressure of over-exhaustion.
If the grumpy bickering with your partner has your relationship hanging by a thread.
If you're acting out of desperation, with little to no emotional connection with your baby.
And If you're worried about how much worse it can get over the next few months or even years…
Keep reading…
Because in just a few moments, you'll learn the one small change you need…
To teach your baby to "Self-Soothe"…
Which allows them to sleep for 8+ hours without screaming for your help five times a night.
It's a breakthrough discovered by a psychologist and mother of three…
Who dedicated three years of her life to scientific studies...
And cracked the code on baby sleep habits.
Her discovery isn't based on some woo-woo beliefs commonly found online.
Nor is it some overpriced sleep consultation (Which can cost upwards of $1,200 per hour!).
It's a REAL scientific breakthrough based on human psychology…
And every mother NEEDS to know about it.
Because once your baby learns how to "Self-Soothe" (By the way, babies are seriously fast learners)…
You'll finally get back 8+ hours of quality sleep every single night…
Allowing you to wake up fully charged every day...
With all you need to be the best loving mother and partner you can be.
But first, let me introduce you to Eyrun...
The mother of three from Iceland, whose breakthrough discovery has helped over 180,000+ mums worldwide…
How Unfortunate Beginnings Lead To The Breakthrough "Self-Soothe" Discovery

As I mentioned earlier, Eyrun is a psychologist from Iceland with three young boys of her own…
She's renowned for her work and has over 10+ years of experience in the field.
A close friend of Eyrun's struggled with her baby girl, who was born prematurely.
After Eyrun saw the toll this took on her friend's mental health…
She began her research to figure out ways to help…
Eyrun came across the torture most mothers with healthy newborns were also going through.
After reading countless heartbreaking stories of over-exhausted mothers headed on a downward spiral…
Eyrun took it upon herself to find a solution…
She teamed up with scientists, nurses and midwives…
And put her years of psychology experience to work.
After 3 years of research and development…
Eyrun and her team of scientists cracked the code.
They discovered the REAL reason why so many babies are distressed all night long...
And it's not because they need to feed or co-sleep.
Here's The REAL Reason Your Baby Is Struggling To Stay Asleep… (It's Not Their Fault)

Most people would agree that blaming your innocent baby for sending your life downward is wrong.
You see, they're not crying just to torture you (although it sure does feel like it)…
Instead, they're crying out for you to comfort them to sleep.
When your baby wakes up at night, they often feel unsettled…
And all they've learnt to do is cry out for you to soothe them to sleep.
That's why many parents find that feeding or co-sleeping is the only solution.
Because it soothes your baby to sleep…
And although these methods seem to work like a charm…
Experts say NOT to resort to them too frequently as they are "At Risk Of Dependency".
That's because feeding or co-sleeping will overstimulate your baby…
And they will rely on that same stimulation to sleep every time…
Like an addict who can't settle until they get their fix.
Now, we're not saying to never feed your baby or co-sleep...
But comforting them like this five times a night isn't healthy.
Do not teach your baby these bad sleeping habits.
These habits will grow into a mountain of problems as your baby gets older…
And sleep will constantly feel like you're fighting an uphill battle for months and years to come.
Before you know it, you'll be like a sleep-deprived zombie…
With your dreams of raising a happy family crumbled all around you.
So, if you want to know how to cut off the problem right at the source…
And stop yourself from losing your mind to sleep deprivation…
The breakthrough I'm about to share with you will be a lifesaver.
"So How Can Some Babies Sleep 8+ Hours While Most Just Scream The House Down All Night?"
(The Truth Behind The "Self-Soothe" Method And How Any Baby Can Learn It In Just A Few Days)

As I mentioned, your baby depends on you to soothe them to sleep.
So why can some newborns sleep 8+ hours a night on their own?
After three years of studies, Eyrun found the answer…
And It's actually quite simple…
Some newborns can sleep 8+ hours a night because they know how to "Self-Soothe"…
Remember when I said the night-wakings are a cycle?…
Babies who know how to "Self-Soothe" can soothe themselves back to sleep long before the screaming cycle of doom can even begin.
Simply put, they can cut off the cause of the problem all on their own.
So, how can your baby begin to "Self-Soothe"?…
Well, "Self-Soothing" is a skill your baby needs to learn.
Think of when a baby sucks their thumb or rubs a soft blanket…
These are techniques they've learned to "Self-Soothe".
Surprisingly, babies are actually quick learners...
And with Eyrun's breakthrough "Self-Soothe" discovery…
Your baby can quickly learn to soothe themselves to sleep every night.
Allowing you to wake up fully charged and be a happy, loving mother every day.
Mothers who have used Eyrun's "Self-Soothe" method say they got their sleep back within the first three nights...
And after a few weeks of quality sleep…
They stopped spiralling out of control before it tore their lives apart…
Without forking out thousands on sleep consultants like many parents do…
The Modern Era of "Self-Soothing" To Teach Your Baby To Sleep 10x Faster

The truth is…
"Self-Soothing" isn't new…
In fact, it's been praised by parenting experts since the '90s...
But before Eyrun made her discovery (which began the modern era of "Self-Soothing")…
Mothers would have to spend hours teaching their baby to "Self-Soothe"…
And most of the time, they would fail…
Because the old way was so difficult.
Now, thanks to Eyrun's breakthrough research…
Any mother can teach their baby how to "Self-Soothe" easier than ever…
And because it tackles the REAL cause of the problem…
It's pretty much fail-proof!
You see, Eyrun's studies found that babies quickly fall asleep when they feel these senses of human closeness:
The sound of calm human breathing.
The sound of a relaxed human heartbeat.
The smell of their mother's natural scent.
Eyrun realised that if she could give a baby the feeling of human closeness without their mother needing to be around...
They would soothe themselves to sleep without needing to scream out for help.
So after years of research, innovation and good old-fashioned trial and error…
Eyrun created a solution that literally changed the lives of hundreds of mums in her local community.
That's when Eyrun found her calling to help families around the globe struggling with their baby's bad sleeping habits…
That's when Eyrun created the Lulla Doll...
An adorable little doll that creates all the senses of human closeness...
So your baby can "Self-Soothe" to sleep all on their own.
Once news outlets around the globe caught wind of Eyrun's story…
The Lulla Doll was selling faster than they could keep up…
Before long, Lulla Doll helped over 100,000+ families globally…
Who had been living in emotional distress caused by countless sleepless nights.
Today, Lulla Doll has won globally acclaimed awards…
And is still recognised as the top sleeping companion tool available…
While also being the ONLY sleeping companion backed by scientific studies.
Over 180,000+ mums thank Lulla Doll for saving them after it taught their baby to "Self-Soothe" on their own, which means:
No more short fuses leading to arguments with your partner.
Full energy for an entire day of love and care for your child.
A loving and thriving family life.
Your dreams of raising a healthy child and growing old with your partner becoming more likely than ever.
Where To Get A Lulla Doll So You Can Start Living Your Best Life

If you're ready to get your life back on track with your baby…
And prevent your over-exhausted family from spiralling downward…
I strongly recommend you get started with the Lulla Doll Sleepy Baby Bundle...
As the complete bundle gets you the most value for your money…
With bonus add-ons that you won't find anywhere else…
Which are key to your baby's success with Lulla Doll.
So if you're ready to WIN back your nights of quality sleep…
And return to your happy, loving life with your baby and family...
You'll need to act fast…
Because thousands of mothers all over Australia have been flocking to get their Lulla Doll…
Luckily, a few thousand Lulla Doll bundles are still available today on the official AU site…
By tapping the button below, you'll get direct access to the official Lulla Doll AU store…
Where you'll find the only available sleeping companion doll backed by 3 years of research…
Tap the button now to get your Lulla Doll Sleepy Baby Bundle.
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